Thursday, March 31, 2011

Get Ready, Get Thru


That's the big question room 19 and 20 are going to answer. We have been doing some amazing inquiry work and there has been lots of buzzing in our classes. Today we identified people in our community we can ask for help. We are finding out what to do at home and school if there was an earthquake. We will be researching survival kits and finding out what goes in them and why we need them.

Check out the Inquiry links for some cool websites and games.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Earthquake stories

Crack Crash the road cracked, the bildings tumbled down. I saw the water rising from beneth the grounds. Oh how terribile!!! I'm so glad it didn't happen here. But all I can think about is motels and buildings, splat!!! Oh how devastating just thinking about it. If i was there I would be shaking with terror. I feel worms in my tummy it's to sad to think about it.
By Ashlee Stevens

Everyone ran for their life, people were shocked with all the buildings smashing onto the road. It would be horrifing watching it all fall onto people. Everyone can't drink water from taps.Cars are getting crashed by rocks and concret from buildings. 
By Conor Dobbyn

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Are you and your family prepared for an earthquake???

With the recent earthquake in Christchurch it has made us all think about a few things.
I haven't got a survival kit at my house and I have been thinking about getting one for a long time.

Do you have one at your house? If so what is in it.

Please make a comment.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Singing for all the people in Christchurch

Today we dressed up in red and black to support all the people in Canterbury affect by the recent earthquake. We sang one of our favourite songs, 'Heal the World' with room 20. It was to let them know we are thinking about them.

Click here to hear us sing