Thursday, March 3, 2011

Singing for all the people in Christchurch

Today we dressed up in red and black to support all the people in Canterbury affect by the recent earthquake. We sang one of our favourite songs, 'Heal the World' with room 20. It was to let them know we are thinking about them.

Click here to hear us sing


  1. Wow what lovely singers.

  2. I felt really sad about what happened to the people in the earthquake

  3. Wow, great singing guys! Neat to see you in your Red and Black too, Kia Kaha Christchurch!

  4. Good on you Room 19. Christchurch needs all the help it can get.

  5. Cullen said that song was really cool, and just about made me cry

  6. What great singing Room 19..who was the person closest to the microphone because that person had a lovely voice. I want to hear some more singing please.

  7. we do not have a surival kit but we are getting one by ray

  8. yes i do have a survival kit. in it there are tins ,of spaghetti, and baked beans and lots of other stuff by ella k
